So after four months off in the summer, I’m in year 2 of my art degree and it’s pretty full on. This semester we’re focussing on art processes across a range of disciplines. The emphasis is on experimenting and risk taking rather than producing resolved work. So if you think what I’m doing looks a bit rough around the edges, you are right!
I find the constant pressure to try new things and not finish anything a bit contradictory as usually I’m used to working towards a finished painting or series of work. Indeed it has been frustrating at times that I get so little time to just paint. I have enjoyed a lot of what we’ve been doing but I would like longer to really go into more depth on some of the things we’ve tried.
Here is a selection of what I’ve been up to, in no particular order…

I have begun to focus my ideas more and I am increasingly interested in memory and identity. Specifically how memories become merged with the present moment in time so much so that I wonder if the present is also the past…
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