My final Degree Show

In June 2024 I completed my Fine Art Degree at Colchester School of Art, I’m really happy to say that my hard work and studies resulted in a 1st class degree which I’m very proud of. Here are some images of the work that I exhibited. You can read a text that my course leader wrote on my work here.

This exhibition was the culmination of three years’ study and work. Specifically the work was about my environment. In this installation, Rolling Down to Brightlingsea, I explore my life in Brightlingsea and memories of childhood seaside visits. I begin by observing my surroundings, identifying shapes, colours, ideas that interest me. Working from memory and imagination I have created collages, paintings, sculpture and a soundscape. The work develops organically by moving back and forth between the different mediums.

I was really interested in creating an installation that engaged as many of the senses as possible, to this end there was work to look at, to hear, to taste and to touch. I had planned to include a lot of seaweed to evoke the smell of the coast but that was not well received by some of my tutors, I’ll save that idea for another time…

Chrissie Richards female artist in front of paintings
I love this skirt made by UCC fashion and textile students and completed by Vicky Walsh
Talking to tutor
sculptures and paintings by Chrissie Richards
Sculptures and paintings

The pattern from the deckchairs is a memory from my childhood, it appears as a motif in a lot of the work.

Deckchair where you can sit and listen to soundscape
Create your own sculpture – an invitation to create and also rock to taste

These nine small collages represent the Shanty Singers of Brightlingsea, The Motley Crew, I was invited to attend a rehearsal and made recordings of them singing which I used in the soundscape I created.

Sculpture in front of nine collages that represented the Shanty Singers of Brightlingsea
abstract no 1
Abstract no. 1
Abstract no. 2
Abstract no. 3

Abstract no. 4

Abstract no. 5
The Fishing Ground – painting on canvas – 100 x 150 cm

Brightlingsea is Wonderful – painting on canvas – 100 x 150 cm

A Northerly Gale – painting on canvas – 150 x 100 cm

Flooding is Possible – painting on canvas – 100 x 100 cm
Anything that Wriggles – painting on canvas 100 x 100 cm