On my last Blog post I wrote about the Facebook Group I created called ‘Create Relax Repeat’
Lots of people in the group commented that they haven’t painted for ages. They lack motivation, don’t know what to paint or find it scary to start painting. So I thought that I would share my process to see if I could help them and de-mystify things for them.
Facebook Live Painting
Last week I did a Facebook Live Painting session for two hours where people watched, commented and later made art inspired by the event. At the time this felt like a huge thing to do and I really wondered if I had gone too far. I painted on three boards live with no visual prompt, the only inspiration was the theme of friendship.
There was a rocky start, no sound, at times I faltered and didn’t know what to say. When the paintings went through that horrible ‘this is going nowhere’ stage I felt like running away and never showing my face of social media again. But, I kept going, exercising my fledgling painting muscle, telling myself it would all be alright. Just breathe and paint.
Just keep going
So, that’s what I did, I kept going, and you know what, it was alright! at the end of two hours I had produced three paintings. They are not masterpieces, and they are not complete, but they are an outcome, they are paintings, and they are all 100% authentically my work.
I did this to show myself I could do it and to show other people that there is no right or wrong way to do things, only your way. I used to believe that other artists knew exactly what they were doing in their studios, and when I learnt enough about their secrets, I would know what to do. I have learnt that this is not true, we all have our own ways of working. We have to work in ways that suit us, we have to believe in ourselves. When we don’t believe in ourselves, we have to keep painting.

Do what’s right for you
You don’t need to have a grand plan, but you do need to be receptive to yourself. Be aware of what you like and don’t like, what feels good, what feels uncomfortable. Choose what suits you, not what works for someone else. Sure, there are some design rules, and there are techniques, but if you’re starting out, or if you’ve forgotten, the most important thing is to have fun, paint like no-one is watching, even when you’re on camera on the internet!

Paint Night No. 1 – LOVE
I had such positive feedback to my live painting session that I decided to do it again.
“It was a treat to watch your video, Chrissie! You make art-making seem effortless while not pretending it’s not challenging, fun while not pretending we don’t get stuck, exciting even when we don’t like what’s happening on the board. Your delivery is endearing, gentle, light – it was as if we were in the room with you and sipping your wine – which in a way, we were! I hope, and think, that you will have many takers for your proposed courses. And I’m loving your group, create relax repeat! Thanks! ?????“
Only this time it’s in the form of an online course where the videos are a little clearer and the platform a bit more stable than Facebook. If you’re interested in discovering how you can paint with ease then take a look at my course. I show you how I produced three small paintings all about the theme of Love in just under two hours. There is a special introductory price until February 14th! You can check it out here.
Until next time, may all your days be creative days xxx

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